Electrons in Quantum Wires

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  1. Free electrons in a wire, Landauer formula
  2. Conductance in the presence of electron-electron interaction
  3. Dynamics of electron fluid, bosonization
  4. Spin-charge separation, multi-mode wires
  5. Dynamic structure factor and spectral function of 1D fermions

Electrons in Quantum Dots

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  1. Confined Fermi liquid
  2. Thermally-activated conduction of a quantum dot
  3. Activationless electron transport
  4. Kondo effect in the quantum dot conductance
  5. Electron energy relaxation mediated by localized spins

  1. Matthew P.A. Fisher and Leonid I. Glazman Transport in a one-dimensional Luttinger liquid, cond-mat/9610037
  2. D.L. Maslov, Fundamental aspects of electron correlations and quantum transport in one-dimensional systems, cond-mat/0506035
  3. L.I. Glazman and M. Pustilnik, Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot, cond-mat/0501007
